We highly advise you to read through the terms of use before access or purchase an item. If one does not agree with our terms of use, please immediately stop using our website. Thank you.


We have made efforts to display our products and colours as accurately as possible. We will not guarantee any chromatic aberration issue and monitor display colour difference. The descriptions of the products, prices of products, and products availability are all subject to change without prior notice. We reserve the right to update and amend any information on this website. If there’s an incorrect label of price, the order will be canceled, even if the order was placed successfully. The payment will be refunded back to you.

We do not guarantee that the product received will be the same as your expectations. Our products prices do not include delivery fees. If you would like to understand more about our delivery fee, please visit here. We always advise you to check our ingredient list to avoid any potential allergic reactions.

We reserves the rights to cancel or reduce the quantity of any order to be filled or products to be provided to you that may result in a violation of these Terms of Use, as determined by our sole discretion.


All the contents and information on our website that are including, but are not limited to, trademarks, media, descriptions, logos, graphics, data compilations, are all owned by us. All rights reserved. It is all protected by Intellectual property law. Any rights that are not expressly granted herein are reserved by us.


Your personal information such as name, contact number, and address will be required upon placing an order. If information is not fully provided, the order will not be processed. You must ensure that all the information you provided is correct. You agree to update any necessary information to maintain its truth and accuracy.

Upon creating a membership, you will need to create a password, you will be responsible for all activities and any consequences of your account and password. If any unauthorized activity is suspected, please contact us through customer service. You must be over 18 years old to place an order, or with the guidance of guardians or parents. Your submission of information is governed by our Privacy Policy.

We reserve the rights to terminate your account without prior notice if our terms are violated or we decide to do so at our sole discretion.


You must not without our prior consent, amend, change, or interfere with any way of our website, systems, data, and software we used to maintain this website. You must use the website in accordance with the terms of use. We may provide third-party content that links to any websites and social media. We have no liability for any issues that arise relating to the use of third-party tools. We do not approve any third-party content that is not associated with ColourG. We reserve the right to update, correct, or amend any content on the websites. The information on the site may content typological errors or inaccuracies that may be incomplete. Such errors may be related to product information, pricing, promotions, offers, delivery charges, and availability. We reserve the right to terminate any orders involving pricing errors or inaccuracies.


The terms of service and any agreements whereby we provide you services, documents, and anything in relation to them shall be governed in accordance with Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s law.

This statement shall take effect as of the date of renewal.